Dear AC Referee        This sites URL is  


At the top BAR of the HOME page you will find three choices:

1      News, brings up a panel to direct you to any of the YouTube Clips

2      Lawncraft Manual Chapters, all small pdf's that relate to the ACA approved Manual for AC Referees of the game

3      Contact us, will allow comments, and constructive cricicism to come to the webmaster to assist improving the site. This is NOT a "general chat room"

4      The John Prince Cartoons, are used with his permission, are "tongue in cheek" if they offend any, please let me know. My thanks to Bob Kroeger and Liz Flemming who asisted, co-wrote and filmed segments and whthout both this site would not have been possible.

 I do hope this www site is useful and easy to navigate. Permission to LINK this site may be obtained from the ACA, details are on the appropriote linked page.  

Please feel free to copy a page, electronic copyright remains with the Australian Croquet Association (ACA) and JAT.

 Kind Regards,